Welcome to Forth Valley’s E-DYW Digital Resource Hub.
If you are a young person aged 15-24, you will find online support and resources to assist you in all aspects of skills and career development.
Our current bank of resources aims to support those young people from S4 upwards; therefore, if you are currently in the Senior Phase of school, have recently left school or are aged 15-24 and looking for opportunities to develop your skills, our resources are perfect for you.
This is an evolving project and is designed to complement the work of all stakeholders engaged in the DYW programme. We are working hard to expand our Digital Hub to include resources for all audiences – including employers, parents and educators - in the coming months.
If you are a young person aged 15-24, you will find online support and resources to assist you in all aspects of skills and career development.
Our current bank of resources aims to support those young people from S4 upwards; therefore, if you are currently in the Senior Phase of school, have recently left school or are aged 15-24 and looking for opportunities to develop your skills, our resources are perfect for you.
This is an evolving project and is designed to complement the work of all stakeholders engaged in the DYW programme. We are working hard to expand our Digital Hub to include resources for all audiences – including employers, parents and educators - in the coming months.